Mircules is my software company. We do a lot of software development for medium and large companies.
We like the radio amateur hobby, so we also make software for this!
Mircules HAM QuickLog
Mircules HAM QuickLog is great new HAM radio logging software for the iPad, for quick and easy HAM Logging.
This handy app helps you to quickly and easily log amateur radio contacts while on the air.

Mircules HAM DX Cluster
Find out which interesting DX HAM Radio Amateur operators are “on the air” on the amateur radio bands!
Mircules DX Cluster is an iOS and Android app that shows the info found on the international DX Cluster.
This Cluster is widely used by radio amateurs and SWL enthusiasts to find the DX “treasures” on the bands.

Mircules HAM Distance
Do you want to know the distance between you and that far away DX station?
Mircules HAM distance tells you the distance from your location to any ham operator or maidenhead grid location on the planet.
You can let your iPad or iPhone automatically find your current grid, depending on your GPS location, or you can use your home location which you enter in the settings page in the app.