Hi and welcome to my site. I’m Cees Alberts; a radio amateur from the Netherlands. 

Read more about me here.

Me in a contest

My Blog – See also here

My 1st mod; FT-817nd Wideband

After buying my new QRP transceiver, the Yaesu FT-817nd, I found out that not all the bands on it are available for transmitting, some are only available for receiving. I thought that it would be possible to use some software (widebander.exe) to open all the bands for...

FT-950 Wideband mod

After buying my new (secondhand) Yaesu FT-950 base transceiver I knew I again wanted to do the wideband mod. This is the same mod I did for the Yaesu FT-817 some time ago; I wrote about it in another blog entry. Because the FT-950 is much larger than the FT-817 I...

Using the FT-817nd with a “dirty amp” (RM KL300P)

Lately I’m trying to improve my portable HAM Radio setup because I want to do some activations for Castles On The Air (COTA) and WorldWide Flora & Fauna (WFF). The idea for the activations is that you take all the HAM radio gear you need to make your contacts and...

It finally arrived! My SARK100 from China

After waiting for a pretty long time, my new gadget from China finally arrived! It’s a SARK100 antenna analyzer. I wrote about buying one, in February I think, so already some time ago! Most radio amateurs know that antenna analyzers are pretty expensive; starting...

Using a CW filter in digital mode

I discovered another use for the new CW filter I put in my FT-817; I found out it also works in digital modes! During my stay in Montreal, working as VA2/PA1CA, I decided to work an hour or so in the 2013 Russian RTTY contest. Because I was using my Yaesu FT-817 I was...

My 1st Contest; CQ World Wide DX!

After buying the linear and optimizing my coax cables (I replaced all the RG58 with Aircell 7) I decided it is time for my first contest! Every Radio Amateur knows that around this time of the year there is the CQ World Wide DX Contest! This is one of the most popular...

New versions of my apps and some CW

Lately I haven't been doing a lot of HAM things. Corona and work have been keeping me busy!  My work is making mobile apps and I did work on some HAM apps I made. I made total new versions of them and will be putting them in the app stores in the coming days / weeks...

My 1st Contest; Doing the Contest

On the 27th and the 28th of October I worked my first ever radio amateur contest; the CQ World Wide DX contest 2012! On saturday I didn’t have the whole day free to do contesting but the whole Sunday was available for this. In theory I had enough time to make a great...

It’s all about antennas!

A week or 2 ago I competed in the PACC contest. This is a radio amateur contest where operators from all over the world need to contact Dutch operators to collect points. A contest is always a good way to check your antennas, your radio and other equipment because you...

I got the contesting bug!

I just keep learning with this radio amateur hobby and what better way to learn than by doing the things! I have done 6 contests already in the last 6 weeks. I started with the CQ World Wide DX Contest, the biggest of the year. After that the Ukranian DX Contest and...

My talk with the King of Spain

In my previous post I spoke about the conversation I had on Sunday with the King of Spain. Some people asked me what we talked about and if we had a nice conversation. Because this was a radio amateur contest the talk we had was very short but friendly. To give you an...

HAM Logging on the iPad with QuickLog

After a lot of software development and testing I finally put my new app in the Apple app store! The app is called Mircules HAM QuickLog (or just QuickLog) and is an app for the iPad. It's a logging app for Radio Amateurs and has a lot of very useful features. Now of...

See who I talked to!

One of the biggest HAM radio contests of the year was this weekend; the CQ World Wide DX Contest 2013. This is a voice contest (we talk to each other) and the goal is to make as many talks to as many far away places as possible. It lasts 48 hours; the whole weekend....

Another Contest, Czech Style

I did another RTTY contest, this time it was organized from the radio amateur organization in the Czech Republic. For me it was a way to try out my mobile 40m band antenna which I bought and put up a few weeks ago. In this picture the left antenne is the 40m band...

Mircules HAM QuickLog update for SOTA and IOTA

  Previous week a new version of Mircules HAM QuickLog came out. As most people will know, QuickLog is a logging app for Radio Amateurs voor the iPad. I wrote about this earlier in another post. The 2 most important additions to the app are "import from URL" and...

Giving away FREE HAM Radio software for Mac OSx!

Some time ago I decided to make an application for showing DX Cluster information on Mac OSx. People that know me a bit better, know that I already made a few apps that I'm selling in the iOS app store, one of which shows the DX Cluster on the iPhone and the iPad. So...

Mircules DX Cluster now also for Android

A few years ago I made a DX Cluster app for iOS (iPhone and iPad) called Mircules DX Cluster. I'm a freelance software developer and found it interesting to make some software for mobile devices for my amateur radio hobby. A DX Cluster app seemed like a nice choice....